Открытие новой производственной линии(en)
Реализация проекта была запланирована на второе полугодие 2019 года, но запуск произведен ранее в связи с полной готовности к эксплуатации.
Elevators are a complex of structures, which may include: a working building, silos, devices for loading and unloading grain, grain dryers, and others. Elevators with a full or reduced complex of structures are being built on the territories of existing enterprises. The construction of silos, tied to the working buildings of existing elevators, is widespread.
Now, as a rule, the elevator has points of auto reception, railway reception, auto and railway loading. And before, there were cases when the direct entry of grain into the elevator itself was carried out using manual labor. In this case, people with shovels from the surface of the earth or from the car body throw grain at the receiving conveyor, which, like a snow-removing machine, picks up grain and sprinkles it into the route networks of the elevator.
Elevators are a complex of structures, which may include: a working building, silos, devices for loading and unloading grain, grain dryers, and others. Elevators with a full or reduced complex of structures are being built on the territories of existing enterprises. The construction of silos, tied to the working buildings of existing elevators, is widespread.
Now, as a rule, the elevator has points of auto reception, railway reception, auto and railway loading. And before, there were cases when the direct entry of grain into the elevator itself was carried out using manual labor. In this case, people with shovels from the surface of the earth or from the car body throw grain at the receiving conveyor, which, like a snow-removing machine, picks up grain and sprinkles it into the route networks of the elevator.
The company is equipped with high-tech equipment from leading manufacturers.
Own transport hub for routing and transporting grain
The company was established in N year, since then, as before, professionals in their field work in it.
One of the largest elevators in terms of vertical storage
Geographically, the company “Berdievsky Elevator” is located at
403073, Volgograd region., Ilovlinsky district, Station “Berdia”
You can contact company representatives by phone
If you have questions or suggestions, you can send them by e-mail